Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Two sides to the climate change story...

Both these men acknowledge that climate change is happening, but are at odds over whether or not human beings are the central cause of it.

You probably recognize the first man, former Vice-President, Nobel-Prize winner and environmental crusader, Al Gore. He's of the camp that feels climate change is an impending doom and is by far the biggest problem the world is currently facing. He believes everything should be done to avert the dangers of climate change, which is primarily caused by human activities.

The second man is Danish political scientist and economist, Bjorn Lomborg, famed author of "The Skeptical Environmentalist". He feels that climate change is not nearly as serious as people like Gore make it out to be. It's a very important point because the measures needed to avert predicted climate change are going to be very expensive and that money could be spent on other problems throughout the world, such as HIV/AIDS. 

I tend to fall in line with Gore's camp, but it's very important to understand the views of all sides. I should also note that Lomborg is one of the more moderate climate change skeptics so he isn't completely representative of the anti-climate change extreme. He is however, a very bright guy and his ideas should be looked at.

It's very easy to jump on a bandwagon and ignore the other sides of the story. But to properly understand an issue, you should know as many of the perspectives as possible. Whether you're a Gore-like crusader, a skeptic or sitting somewhere in the middle, learning about the whole issue is worth a look. 

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