
What We're All About

Enviro Boys is designed as an inclusionary forum to exchange ideas and opinions related to anything and everything green. It exists as a side project for a couple of university students. It holds no particular political affiliations and is completely independent of any organizations. Although the authors may themselves be affiliated with or work for particular organizations, Enviro Boys is purely their own and in no way represent the views of any of those organizations.

The articles are aimed at readers of all walks of life and are meant to be non-academic in nature, yet still well-researched. Academic writing is not always accessible and is thrown into journals usually read by academics or scholars. Our approach is to communicate some of the academic research we find interesting through summaries, reviews and commentary. Enviro Boys might stir the pot from time to time and fully encourages anyone to express their opinion, even if it differs from those of the authors. It is, after all, an open and inclusive forum.

While currently co-authored by only two students, anyone is encouraged to contribute as an author, regardless of age, environmental knowledge or specific interests. We all experience the environment in one way or another each day and although nobody knows everything, everyone can contribute something. 


Enviro Boys was started as a project in 2009 between two third-year undergraduate students at Trent University. Both Tim Shah and Chris Ferguson-Martin were taking a third year environmental policy course when the strains of academic writing inspired them to start publishing informal, but environmentally-focused short pieces of writing. They further decided to spread their writings to a public and easily accessible forum: the blogosphere.