Monday, December 26, 2011

The Enviro Boys Finale

It has been two years and eleven months of blogging for Enviro Boys. This blogging experience, to which Chris FM called a “blogospheric experiment” was a real delight. Over the past two years, we have written over 480 blogs posts on topics as diverse as transportation, water policy, renewable energy, waste management, climate change, environmental politics, bottled water, and the joys of blogging itself.

When we first started this blog, it was an opportunity to share what Chris and I were learning in our classes - from environmental policy to the more theoretical concepts in resource management, economics and geography (a combination of what we studied). Sharing this material in a more accessible and engaging way was exactly what the blogosphere enabled us to do. We have written posts specifically on why we enjoy blogging as a hobby in and of itself. You can read a few here and here.

Over the years, we have had 57,000 page views from over 11 countries around the world. This includes over 15,000 views from the U.S., 14,700 from Canada, 2,300 from Germany and 1,600 from China, to name a few. It's been special for us to see readership grow across the world.

This is our last chance to thank all of our esteemed readers, followers, guest post authors and everyone else who has made this a worthwhile experience. It has been fun, memorable, and something we have enjoyed so much since our third 3rd year of undergrad. I remain grateful to this day to Chris, who approached me three years ago to ask if I was interested in joining him with this side project.

To conclude, I will leave you with two links: one is my favourite blog post that I wrote for Enviro Boys, the other is my favourite post that Chris wrote.

Please use this website as an archive of knowledge and information. The google search bar at the top of the page will allow you to search our site (internally) for the various topics we have written about over the years.You can also view all of the topics we have blogged about on the right side of page below our blog list.

My enthusiasm for blogging will continue for years to come. Indeed, I am starting a blog with a friend in January. The blog will focus on cities - their economic rise, ability to attract talented and industrious people, their impressive public transportation networks, and their role in the coming years as the world becomes more urbanized. As the blog will be written by a planning student (me) and my friend (urban geographer), it will naturally have an urban spin. Once the blog is created, it will be advertised on Facebook and Twitter.

Thank you, once again.

Tim and Chris

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