Saturday, April 4, 2009

Tension within the triple bottom line...

The triple bottom line comprises social, environmental and economic factors. It is discussed in various disciplines but is primarily analyzed and studied in the social sciences and humanities. A recent article in the New Yorker entitled "economy vs. environment" provides an insightful analysis into the contemporary debates surrounding the environment and the economy. One thing that particularly stuck out in the article was the reference made to Barack Obama's administration in creating "green jobs" amidst this recession. Here is an excerpt from the article:

"Creating “green jobs,” a key component of the agenda, is different from creating new jobs, since green jobs, if they’re truly green, displace non-green jobs—wind-turbine mechanics instead of oil-rig roughnecks—probably a zero-sum game, as far as employment is concerned". Are we more concerned about economic growth right now, or are we more concerned with protecting the environment? What is the priority? Even the bio-fuels industry these days is suffering tremendously from the plummeting demand and interest to buy renewable and environmentally friendly fuel. Oil is cheaper these days providing little incentive for consumers to buy bio-fuel. I would suggest that every reader and follower of enviroboys read this article from the New Yorker, as it discusses some of the most salient issues that surround the economy and environment today.

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