Sunday, June 7, 2009

Gleick on Peak Water...

Peter Gleick is the President of the Pacific Institute out of Oakland, California. He is an engineer who specializes in energy and resources with a focus on water. I am reading some of his articles in preparation for my honours thesis. Anyone interested in desalination, peak water, climate change and water, and the human right to water, I encourage you to read some of his articles available at the Pacific Institute website. Even if you are not particularly interested in water issues at this point, I would still recommend you look into desalination and its controversies. Forthcoming blog entries will delve into this technological phenomenon and explore both its advantages and disadvantages from a social, economic, environmental and political lens.

This particular video clip discusses the concept of peak water. As you have noticed through this blog and through the media, water is only becoming more of a salient issue.

Key message: "Anyone who solves the problem of water deserves not one Nobel Prize but two: one for science and the other for peace." - John F. Kennedy

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