Sunday, March 22, 2009

March 22, 2009, World Water Day

Chris and I delivered a presentation on water conservation policy last week. It was a group presentation of four students for our public policy class. We had to identify what the policy problem was, and then outline the policy directions we could take. In short, we identified that in Canada, a municipality usually has either an economic or environmental impetus to conserve water. Economic being that distributing water through pipes and water infrastructure is becoming more expensive because the infrastructure is deteriorating and will cost the municipality a lot of money to fix. The environmental impetus usually involves a municipality being concerned over a depleting aquifer because so many people are drawing their supply from groundwater but are doing it unsustainably. Hence water conservation. We proceeded to discuss the various policy tools that can be used for water efficiency and ultimately what tools can be brought about to conserve this precious resource. For anyone interested in our power point presentation, please ask us in the comment section.

Today is World Water Day and I think everyone should take the time to sit back and reflect over this precious resource that we take for granted in North America.

Water is undoubtedly the world`s most precious resource and will be the indispensable natural resource of the 21st century. Start getting educated on it.


  1. Hi FM, i'd be really interested in a copy of the presentation if you get a chance. Love the blog by the way, very interesting and though provoking as well. Hope all if well in the pdot

  2. can we comment here if we DON'T want to see the powerpoint? haha jk... i'd love to see it. ---> that's my e-mail

  3. Dear Enviro Boys,

    I would love a copy of the presentation. Additionally, may I suggest a blog post about the content of Gwynn Dyer's new book, 'Climate Wars'. There is some stuff on the CBC website, and he just did a 3 part series on the CBC programme 'Ideas'.


